Culture & sport

Our farm, between Umbria and Tuscany, offer you the best of culture and entertainment that the two regions can provide.

Just some of the beautiful places to visit not far from us:

  • La Scarzuola
    Scarzuola is the construction surreal designed by Tomaso Buzzi, architect, artist and man of culture among the most important of the 900. It is located in Montegiove, in the municipality of Montegabbione.
  • Paleontological Museum
    The collection of fossils, treasure of inestimable scientific value, especially for the number of species found, considered one of the richest and most important paleontological heritage at European level.
  • Museum of Glass
    In the heart of the medieval village of Piegaro , an imposing brick chimney reveals the presence of the complex of ancient glassware, now the Museum of Glass. The building , a charming example of industrial archeology , tells the centuries-old history of glass production in Piegaro from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century.
  • Cittŕ della Pieve
    Cittŕ della Pieve is a center of Umbria, located on a hill at 508 m. s.l.m. over Chiana Valley and Trasimeno lake, on the border between Umbria and Tuscany, not far from Lazio.
  • Panicale
    Picturesque medieval village in the countryside rich in history, culture and entertainment joins the most beautiful villages in Italy.
  • Lago Trasimeno
    The Trasimeno Lake have an area of ​​128 km ˛, three islands to visit by ferry. A beautiful natural park awaits you. / parco.trasimeno

And again: Perugia ( 20km ), Assisi (45 km) , Spoleto (80 km) , Gubbio , Spello , Todi , Florence and many other treasures of art and Italian culture.


Carp fishing: 2,5 km Pietrafitta

Trekking, Moutain bike.

Horse riding stables: 2-5 km.

Windsurf: Trasimeno lake.